Surface and Interface Science Instrumentation

Teclis makes advanced instruments for measuring the physicochemical properties of interfaces in liquid-liquid, liquid-gas, and solid-liquid systems.

Interfaces are ubiquitous. Interfaces are life. Interfaces are dynamic. Interfaces control the majority of processes and reactions in nature and industry.

Interfaces form when two non-miscible phases come into contact. On a molecular level, interfaces are not perfect lines but regions whose composition changes from one phase to another. They are also dynamic entities that constantly respond to changes in their immediate environment.

Atoms and molecules in these regions have different energies and activity coefficients than those in the bulk phase. The result is that the surfaces or interfaces have a free energy excess, and work is required to change them.

Therefore, we define surfaces and interfaces in terms of energy, also known as surface and interfacial tension.

Interfaces are dynamic. To understand their behavior and stability, it is vital to analyze and measure their properties at both equilibrium and non-equilibrium conditions.

Teclis designs and builds intelligent, user-friendly surface and interfacial measurement tools to advance your goals and objectives.

Surface and Interfacial analysis is our specialty, focus, and passion.

Teclis - Advancing Surface and Interface Science

If you need to analyze, understand, or optimize any product, application, process, or research topic, involving interfaces (e.g., gas-liquid, liquid-liquid) and surface active substances (i.e., surfactants, lipids, proteins, etc.), then we can offer you powerful and versatile analytical platforms.

Tensiometry - Tracker™

The well-known and proven Tracker™ allows you to measure and understand equilibrium and dynamic processes at interfaces. All in one modular, versatile, and intelligent package.

Use the Tracker for all your surface and interfacial tension applications.

  • Pendant drop

  • Rising drop

  • Sessile drop

  • Captive drop

  • Surface tension (liquid/gas)

  • Interfacial tension (liquid/liquid)

  • Adsorption/desorption kinetics

  • Contact angle (liquid/solid)

  • Dynamic contact angle

  • Interfacial Dilatational Rheology

  • Viscoelastic modulus​

  • Coefficient of rigidity

  • Automatic Critical Micelle Concentration (CMC)

  • Surface and Interfacial tensiometry in extreme pressure and temperature environments

For more detailed information, please go to our product page.

One of the magical water properties is its high surface tension.

Foams - FoamScan™ and FoamJet™

We can offer you our industry-leading FoamScan™ and FoamJet™ analyzer if your work, product, process, or research, involves foams or defoamers. The FoamScan™ allows you to measure foam stability and all important foaming characteristics on a macro and microscale. The FoamJet™ is a high throughput instrument designed to expedite defoamer development and testing:

  • Foam Volume

  • Liquid Volume

  • Liquid Fraction (Drainage)

  • Foam Density / Stability

  • Bubbles Size and distribution

  • Bikerman Index

  • Foam Capacity

  • Expansion Coefficient

  • Conductance

  • Foam Maximum Density

  • Foam Stability Index

  • Defoamer Performance

  • Defoaming Efficiency

For more detailed information, please go to our product page.

Foam drainage and then collapse governs the foam stability in this example.

Please see the specific product pages for more detailed information on how we can help you create, understand or improve your product or process.

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Teclis - advancing surface and interface science